Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Walgreens 4-Day Sale Success

For those of you who were wondering, this week's 4-day sale is working the same as last week's! The $25 total needed to earn $5 Register Rewards (for $5 off you next purchase of $5+) is before any coupons!

My Walgreens didn't have the 4-day sale ad out. I told the worker at the beauty counter that I saw it online and was looking for it. She grabbed a copy for me. Check to make sure your store is participating.

This is what I got for $.50 out of pocket:

Here's the breakdown:

2 A & H Degergent @ $6.99 = $13.98
2 Walgreens Ibuprofen @ $3.99 or 2/$7 = $7.00
3 Walgreens cough drops @ $.99 = $2.97
1 Hydrogen Peroxide @ $1.29
=$25.24 (before coupons and tax... )

-$10.00 (in-ad coupon for A & H will take off $5 for each one)
-$5.00 (in-ad coupon for Ibuprofen)
-$1.80 (in-ad coupon for cough drops)
-$.90 (in-ad coupon for hydrogen peroxide)
-$1 (A & H printable)
-$1 (A & H printable)
=$5.54 total after coupons

-$5 RR earned last week

Paid $.50 out of pocket! (I don't know where that other $.04 went)

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