Friday, November 14, 2008

$40 in Change = $50 in Gift Cards

Coinstar has a promotion through December 7th:

Convert $40 in change into a gift card or eCertificate and you can send away for a free $10 gift card or eCertificate to the same location.

Check out Coinstar to find the locations around you and what gift cards are available at each location. Once you have entered your zip code, click on the yellow gift icon under each location to find out what gift cards are available. If there is one where you'll be spending $40 anyway, then go check all the dresser tops, couch cushions, and purses for spare change and make $10 on this offer. A form will print out at the bottom of your receipt for you to fill out and send in to receive your gift card. Check here for details on the offer. Oh, and there are no fees when you opt to have your change converted to a gift card or eCertificate!
Thanks Liz!

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